A New Internet For a
New Decade

Web 3.0 is the 3rd generation of the internet with a
singular aim to create smarter, better and sharper
services on the internet.

StartupEd always strives to leverage the latest technology available to provide best solutions for entrepreneurs
worldwide, hence, DAOcubator- our initiative in collaboration with NEAR

Supporting businesses built on Web 3.0

We help founders, startup communities, guilds, and other native internet entities that are
built on Web 3.0 with design and product fellowships so they can operationalize and scale as a DAO.

Take DAOification to the next level with DAOcubator

Why DAOcubator?

We help founders, startup communities, guilds, and other native internet entities that are
built on Web 3.0 with design and product fellowships so they can operationalize and scale as a DAO.


Initial Grant

can range anywhere between $1000-$5000 (or more) per organization, based on the quality of applications received.

Supporting Funding

from an ever increasing Fund Pool of $100k to incentivize membership for DAOs and get them their first 1000 members or better yet, scale to 100,000 members sooner with our support.


we support DAOs with personalized mentorship that address their unique challenges in governance, measuring success, voting patterns, token stabilization and membership policies.

Capitalizing on Ecosystem Strength

being a DAO of DAOs we are always on the lookout to explore possible professional collaborations and synergies for our ecosystem partners. A service we will extend to our cohort, should their applications get shortlisted.

One Step Closer To DAOcubation

Available in Funding
1 Million +
Accounts in Ecosystem

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